Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

Shur Johnny won that All-Ireland for Tipp by sending Richie Hogan off.


Fergal Horgan reffed Limerick and Clare. Winners played (and beat) Tipp

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Its very disingenuous to question a ref being bias based on their county benefitting from there decisions. I honestly don’t think a ref would do something like that and risk losing their own position, they clearly enjoy reffing and its not an easy job as you usually the most jates man on the field. None go out to make a mistake and its easy to forget that but to question whether they are fit to ref a match based on the winner is bollocks. Again using that as an excuse for your teaming losing is incredible sour grapes. Limerick were on the wrong end of a decision vs kk last year. The officials made a bad mistake and unfortunately we were on the wrong end of it. Other way around we wouldn’t give a fuck

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I’d agree with that, I don’t think Johnny Murphy would make a bad decision or decisions in a game to benefit Limerick in the next round. I do think he is liable to make some bad decisions on the basis that he is a poor ref though.


He’s gone ridiculously whistle happy since making the county panel but isn’t bad at communicating tbf and has a decent manner.

Matches he refs don’t tend to be great spectacles.

And yeah, the idea that he’d send off someone from the winning team so that Limerick would have an easier semi-final is ridiculous enough tbh.

Which is up to the gaa on bringing up the standard of refs rather than question the ethics of the refs. Again its very easy to attack refs for poor decisions but they are voluntary tbf. All they have to gain is enjoyment and expenses just help.

If I was reffing a Tipp match I’d ride them raw.


We should draw up a list of players that we’d like Johnny to send off. Players that Limerick are afraid to front up to. I’ll start…


I would too. Good thing I’m not a ref. I’m an unmerciful cunt


As if wexford football championship made a difference. Wexford hurlers were training with the county all september. 1 football match a week would not interfere much.

Gas cunt :smile:

Thats more like it.

What an utter fanny


It’s like he is giving interviews about perceived slights from 7 years ago to take up column inches that might otherwise be used for analysis of his teams performance.


As always, it’s everyone else’s fault except Davy.

“That tells it’s own story about Ger Loughnane. The only one who is ‘me, me, me’ is Ger Loughnane." The hypocrisy of this statement is incredible :smile:

He presided over two gutless displays against Galway and Clare but it’s all down to the Wexford dual club players, of course.


It is his MO. Never is he accountable for the defeat, it is always the dark forces or something else which he won’t elaborate on which cost him. Never his fallings though.

Blaming Loughnane for firing up Galway in 2016 is peak Davy. Clare were flat as pancakes the same day and never raised a gallop with Conor McGrath taking pot shots from 90 yards from goal being his main tactic. But it was Loughnane firing up Galway what done it.

I love the way he slips in the two Walsh cup victories, which we hadn’t won in ages!!! - as if it is a big achievement. When Clare were destroyed by Waterford and Galway in the 2016 with utterly gutless performances he completely ignored this fact and kept harping on about how Clare had won 14 games out of 16 that calendar year - as if it was a successful season.

He is one of a kind, I will give him that much.


Eoin Larkin on Woolly’s podcast said that Wexford had gone backwards in the last few years under Davy. " But they won Leinster last year"? “Yeah but look at how they folded against Tipp”. Davy’s counting Walsh cups as success now.

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Don’t forget the Munster league.

There would be no Davy Fitzgerald if it wasn’t for Ger Loughnane.


Davy also hails his Fitzgibbon Cup successes as another significant managerial accomplishment, when he only had the likes of Joe Canning and Eoin Kelly at his disposal.


TWO WalshCups.

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