Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

Cork and Kilkenny are sending up a delegation to review Limerick’s structures.

Both are due to meet Spike and other key power brokers in early January.

Cork, in particular, are really eager to find out the key ingredients for success. It’ll be fantastic if they can win the u-20’s, that group of players seem to have that bit of Corkness. Poor auld Hoggy won’t have many more chances to win the big one.

What was that saying Ben O’Connor came out with during one of those many strikes? “It’s not an honour to wear the Cork jersey, it’s an honour to win in the Cork jersey.” Sadly they’ve not been winning for quite some time.

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Its run its course now lads

Read it slowly again, put your finger under the words as you go along. It’ll help you.

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Apparently theres a meeting set up new years eve with this lad.

images (7)

To where? Jersey?

No. Gowran

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Australia and America to name but a few.

Jesus. Sure how is any county supposed to compete with that?

Kilkenny didnt have to worry about balancing the books with a football team for a long time as well. A huge advantage

Oh I read it. I understood the words. But what?

Dominant stag > lesser stag.

Limerick are a very good team and deserving All Ireland champions. Their supporters should be proud of them.

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Don’t forget about the stag that falls on his hole and wakes up in a hospital the following day.

Joe doesn’t deserve nasty posts like that from his own.



I’m not talking about under 14 freestyle dancing mate.

Neither am I my friend

In fairness to @flattythehurdler , an aul Junior medal had the same prestige as Irish dancing.

He’s being very coy. I’m suspicious it’s not a senior IC all Ireland he’s talking about. He probably won a blitz, the St Jude’s sevens or something like Limerick did this year.