Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed


That lad is developing a bit of a beer belly

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Gas cunts.

Some of you Limerick freaks remind me of Sir Kneel Richmond fighting every Brexiteer on Twitter for a couple of years.

One day someone tweeted him and said…you do know Neale you don’t have to respond to every Brexiteer on behalf of the Irish nation?

Fine hurling team though and well deserved 2020 champions*.


Big swinging Mickey

This is a wonderful Christmas.

Shame that some ty, ck, kk and gy posters are too upset by Limerick’s dominance to enjoy themselves.

People are dying on a daily basis from a deadly pandemic. Businesses are going down the drain. People are losing their livelihoods.

Maybe grow up a small auld bit there. Find a new project for yourself.

there is a global economic boom going on for the past 8 months :money_mouth_face:

and Limerick are All Ireland hurling champions again. :grinning:

Will Rafaellos still be on offer over the coming week Mike?

They should be. The problem you have though is that you might not get your hands on them. They’re a bit like marmite, people either love em or hate em. That being said, theres always a rush on them Christmas eve and they tend to go well. Head to your nearest Dunnes in the morrow. I think they’re at about €5.25 atm

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There’s a difference between enjoying your team winning and bragging, I think the bragging comes from a minority of blowhards. The sniping and digging is equally sad if not more sad than the bragging, unfortunately it’s the depth that a lot of the discourse on here has descended to. Oh look yer man is seething, rent free, a nice few bites there, and such shite and so on.


Hear hear.

Few nice bites got here @locke

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Very impressive. U21 All-Ireland from the early 00’s?

Most of the people bragging are lads who wouldn’t be seen near a club game,you can be sure the same ones were blowing shite out their holes when munster were doin well in the rubby.Limerick folks love a good bandwagon.


I’m bragging and rubbing it in people’s faces and enjoying every fucking minute :pint:

Will you ever fuck off out of the thread so Mother Teresa? Bitching and crying about lads having an interest in something. What a boring oul bollox. This is the Hurling Championship thread. I’m enjoying telling everyone not from Limerick that they are seething and laughing at them. You surely have something better to do?

Bragging about bragging will tip a few lads over the edge altogether the poor insecure craturs

Because Limerick Minors had 14 lads in a backroom team we’re rolling in cash :laughing: A jacket and tracksuit bottom each and a sandwich every night at training, yeah, huge bucks being spent there

They’ll be on the plane to St Lucia in January too

Glanbia have spent a few pound on team holidays