Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

I agree. kilkenny in their prime and pomp used win the most of the so called rucks\collisons\tackles too - is this Limerick team any different?

Yes. They’re on another level.

The game has changed somewhat, sure all sports evolve and will continue to do so. as long as young lads are prepared to put in the effort required it will continue to become more physical, what can you do, you do what you can to win.
Limerick are clearly on top now but it won’t be forever, every hurling county (barring Waterford???) have had periods of dominance and periods in decline

Limerick have a golden generation between the ages 24-26 (2020 ages). They’ll be very strong for the next 4-5 years and then taper off a bit.

Is this lad any relation to Simon Harris?

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He won an All-Ireland and Liverpool won the league so a very good year for him in a sporting sense (excluding his clubs relegation to junior hurling).

Did he break county boundaries to play golf during lockdown?

Always the way. Someone will come up with a way to topple Limerick and we’ll go again.

The Limerick B team beat the All Ireland Champions in the training game the week before the All Ireland. By 4 points.

Fuck it. Bang goes the 100% record in 2020 so. We go again


That is true. Their size, strength & mobility is top of class currently.

Now the others can keep up their ball work and hope the ball can do the work on dry sods, but if you don’t get up to similar level as what Limerick currently base themselves at then forget about it in Winter or Spring conditions.

What I like about Limerick is that even after bulking & strengthening up as they have, they are still hugely skilful.

Galway brought a similar level of this to the game in 2017 but there panel is nowhere near as deep as Limericks to sustain that workload.

Next season is going to be very interesting. Either someone catches up or Limerick are looking at winning next 3 championships.


The 2 best teams in the country.

Unless someone catches up the year after, or the year after that.

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I couldn’t quite figure out how paudie Fitz ended up on the Clare panel but I heard today who his uncle was and more importantly who he done the accounts for.

Clare are going nowhere with this carry on.

Very disappointed in Lohan.