Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

What the fuck

That’s a foul ffs!

Fuck sake the Dubs playing rugby out there :rofl:

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Lehane, sweet christ.

KK obviously just stopped completely in second half last week.

Jaysus ref :joy:

When are they gonna change how it’s officiated. Laugh away now but a ref will decide a game this year on a brain dead call like that

God, I hope so!

Davy Keogh says hello.



How did the ref, the linesmen and the umpires miss a rugby tackle when Cork were working a goal chance.

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Ducks and drakes shite now

Tbf to Nolan- good saves after horrific puckout.

Dublin use of ball; horrific.

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Cork for the All Ireland. Beating a class outfit like Dublin with 1.5 million hurlers

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Two brilliant saves that should never have been necessary

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Mattie giving youth its chance


Nicky English says it’s absolutely great work by Alan Nolan ignoring that it was his puck out that started the chaos😅


How do you shoot for a point there they need two goals

Sean Morans regression as a hurler has been nothing short of incredible.


Keaney has been some servant to Dublin gaa.

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