Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

They did, Niall McCarthy won it for Cork with a MOTM display


Sullivan and Carroll did some flaking that day

He’s still juggling both for the time being but will have to make a decision. Yeah his previous superiority is now reduced as lads catch up to him size wise. He got turned over a load of times in the u20 football semi final v Tyrone a few weeks ago bringing ball into contact with 2 or 3 defenders but did better when moved out the field. If I was a betting man, I’d say he’ll choose the football.

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We’d* a great down there in 87

*I wasn’t allowed go to the 87 replay with the auld lad. The drawn match in Thurles was my first match (I waa five) and he didn’t fancy having to bring me down there. Apparently I was in a right sulk over it.

Lockdown me hole, the stewards in OMP never got to see as much live games in November before :pint:

Clare v Wexford
Cork v Tipp
Kilkenny v Galway

One after the other next Saturday. Praise Allah!


Are provincial final repeat pairings allowed in the semis if provincial final losers win their qualifying tie?

Repeat pairings are avaoided where possible.

For arguments sake if Galway win Leinster and Kilkenny and Wexford both all make the semi finals then I believe ye would get Wexford in the semis as Galway played them earlier in the championship than Kilkenny.

Or at least that was the logic previously used

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You’d rarely go to a game in Galway at any level where there aren’t a couple or more outstanding hurlers.

It isn’t though. Don’t forget the reason rural places like Kilkenny ,Clare, bits of Limerick and east county Galway do so well is there’s fuck all else to do of an evening. The dubs have the opera and the merrion Inn and the like.

Are the provincial runners up kept apart? For example if Cork win through and have to avoid Waterford in the quarter final it automatically means winner of Clare/Wexford plays KK, unless of course Galway lose and then it’s even more complicated

They keep the provincial runners up apart so Waterford won’t play loser of Kilkenny/ Galway in the quarters.


and the heroin

Which means we def get Waterford if Cork beat Tipp. Assuming we beat Davy of course

That’s fine of there was even numbers, then clearly the most committed would persevere and win out. But there’s so many potential players in Dublin, say there’s three u12 panels there. As years go by many will drop out, but it’ll be the lads generally who are no good or have no interest. The lads that stay will generally be the better athletes who can compete and start. That creates a great pool come minor and after. That rising tide will eventually lift all boats. The difference now isn’t that rural lads have nothing to do it’s that the few there are obsessed with the game to an extent further than most dubs, but as the competitive level increases so will the desire for dubs to improve so they’ll work more on their skills.

Rural Ireland isn’t as one dimensional as it was 30 years ago, there’s soccer and often rugby around now plus there’s Instagram and Xbox which is the biggest drain. The other problem is it’s a wasteland. It’s a settling down with family spot, villages and pubs were dead long before covid.

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The traffic that day was a nightmare, as it was in 86 and 87, Killarney only suits if Kerry are playing

That was the day that Timmy Mc shoved it up the doubters holes, he was dropped after the public demanded it but came on and bossed it. Niall Mc was immense as well as you say

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Eoin Kelly missed a free 40 yards out in front of goal to level it a few mins before McCarthys goal afair. Tipp collapsed after that as they did well to get nearly level after being second best. Had it gone over Cark might have panicked.

Tipp have this won. Green and white are winning colours. Nevermind that they are a way better team

That’s the football

My bad