Hurling - The Hand Pass Rule - a thread

Seems too long a time for the ball to be in the air, it’d be swiped away by opposition. Clear separation of a say three inches should do it.

Give linesmen the power to call throws and other fouls also; I’m not sure if there is a rule already allowing them to do so but I’m sure, like in soccer, an animated wave of the flag pointing in the direction the fouled team are playing in can be used to signal a foul.


There’s no rule. The calls for a 2nd ref in hurling is totally uncalled for when there is 2 officials manning the line for the complete lenght of the pitch on each side. Give them the power to flag calls.

Having 2 referees, 8 umpires and 4 linesman all empowered to make calls is irrelevant if they don’t see the modern handpass as an issue.


3 inches might be a lot for fellas on here

In fairness I think the first team to use the handpass as a tactic was Cyril Farrell’s Galway team of the 1980s. Kevin Cashman christened them the Jennet Express.

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I actually quite like rucks in hurling as a player and spectator

I’m talking about the modern style of handpass. The throw and dramatically open your fingers to make it look like a handpass. I don’t remember that before the Cork team. Open to correction.


Fair enough comment

Another sly dig at @flattythehurdler


It was a more effective tactic than jersey kissing all the same.


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You’d need to differentiate between IC and club though, when half the time the linesmen are one from either team. Can you imagine the joy let loose in the east Galway junior C hurling championship final with lads from either club calling fouls from the line :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:?

I like them when Galway emerge with the ball. I dislike them when they don’t.

I’m aware of this.

Linesman can flag/call foul play already?

They can bring instances of foul play to the referee’s attention during a break in play only.

They do not have the authority to flag a foul.


The footix embarrassing themselves talking about hurling.


Be nothing wrong with calling the play back when there’s a break to give a free the other way for an illegal handpass. Be great to see it.

Agreed but it goes on with the soccerball club game like that, the referee assumes all infallibility including offsides and the flags are handed out to a guy from each side to flag the direction of throw in. Very same as the CLG club game at the moment. Gets official as it gets more serious

These lads genuinely don’t know what the rules of the game are.