I have become a vagina

any other vegans on the forum?

any tips?
do you feel sorry for norms that are killing themselves with their inappropriate diets?

fuck off hippy

isn’t yer man moby one of those cunts, a good kick up the hole is what they want

[QUOTE=“Young Ned of the Hill, post: 973306, member: 80”]any other vegans on the forum?

any tips?
do you feel sorry for norms that are killing themselves with their inappropriate diets?[/QUOTE]
Linda McCartney was a vegan, pal… How did that work out?

I don’t think she was

Why the change pal?
Is it the missus that’s making you?
Have you developed a kinship with livestock and fowl?
Is fish off the menu as well?
Will you become an even bigger cunt than you are now, as a result?

[QUOTE=“Young Ned of the Hill, post: 973306, member: 80”]any other vegans on the forum?

any tips?
do you feel sorry for norms that are killing themselves with their inappropriate diets?
Best of luck with it mate.

Make sure to let me know of your dietary requirements for the wedding.

Wouldn’t want you going hungry

[QUOTE=“Piles Hussain, post: 973328, member: 363”]Why the change pal?
Is it the missus that’s making you?
Have you developed a kinship with livestock and fowl?
Is fish off the menu as well?
Will you become an even bigger cunt than you are now, as a result?[/QUOTE]

trans fats and sugars are killing us

[QUOTE=“thedancingbaby, post: 973331, member: 48”]Best of luck with it mate.

Make sure to let me know of your dietary requirements for the wedding.

Wouldn’t want you going hungry[/QUOTE]

people that eat meat or fish are repugnant to me, please don’t serve meat or fish to anyone at the wedding,maje it a vegan wedding

[QUOTE=“Young Ned of the Hill, post: 973306, member: 80”]any other vegans on the forum?

any tips?
do you feel sorry for norms that are killing themselves with their inappropriate diets?[/QUOTE]

And there was me thinking there was no way you could become any more of a cunt, but bravo, yoi did it :clap:

ill smash those goofy teeth of yours

Ah, you’ve become a live-forever fantasist then.
Best of luck with it.

[QUOTE=“Piles Hussain, post: 973340, member: 363”]Ah, you’ve become a live-forever fantasist then.
Best of luck with it.[/QUOTE]

no mate, I want my remaining years to be of high quality , btw a spoonful of organic bicarbonate soda each day is meant to be brilliant for you

Will this new improved lifestyle impact on your rage?

Hopefully not

Fair enough, just don’t turn into one of them preachy sorts. Nobody likes those guys.

TFK needs strong willed opinionated posters

[QUOTE=“Young Ned of the Hill, post: 973306, member: 80”]any other vegans on the forum?

any tips?
do you feel sorry for norms that are killing themselves with their inappropriate diets?[/QUOTE]

I wish you well mate but you have the crossed the line here…

au contraire, prepared myself some strawberries dipped in cacao,heavenly