I won't be able to drink to spread covid

The hidden camera shot, a disguised technique where you turn off the flash get down low and photograph your pint without anyone noticing before posting it on an internet discussion board.
In fairness to @mac he stands upright clears a bit of space for himself and always takes a good shot. Its important to @Mac


Taking repeated pictures of pints of stout that look the exact same is strange behaviour, can lads not just enjoy a few pints with the company that theyā€™re in?

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What is the Guinness like out of there?

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Itā€™s like Guinness.

Lovely stuff.


Ah fuckit, if you canā€™t beat them join em,

This is making my my mouth water, best pint in town Iā€™m told

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Did you pull that yourself?


How many days have you drank out of the last 14, pal? Iā€™m concerned.

If someone handed me out that id pour it into the slop tray.

What is that?

I think Iā€™ll have another, that was smashing

A fantastic looking pint.


A pint of Guinness, I donā€™t deserve any credit for it

To the hints.

Iā€™m half buckled here lads

Some head on that lad

Ya, it was savage

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Thatā€™s a half

I hope you only paid for 3/4 of a pint.

I ate the top with a spoon