I won't be able to drink to spread covid

@pudns you knock a great time out of it.

The man has an illness, donā€™t be encouraging him.

Drinking that pesticide ridden crap will kill you snowflakes off thankfully

What will they do when heā€™s selected for Ireland?

Guinness shits

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There was a feminist on radio ulster arguing that itā€™s OK for him to play for a French club but not London Irish or Ireland. Sure you couldnā€™t make it up


Alas you donā€™t have to. four fingered widows running rugby

Wacko Jacko is lucky to still have a forefinger after what he did to that poor girl

At least in GAA in Ulster they only force their fingers into playersā€™ mouths

Itā€™ll be a sad day when an Iā€™ll mannered gulpin canā€™t play rugby for whoever wants him. Youā€™d nearly think some of those morbidly obese moustachioed clinically depressed craturs wanted his place on the teamā€¦in fairness some of themā€¦

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Sid, Iā€™m terrified. But whatever Jacko and your wan got up to was pretty much found consensual.

Paddy was found innocent.

And before you start ā€¦ innocent until found guilty ā€¦ therefore innocent


A novice mistake from you

Prove it

You donā€™t get found innocent in a trial, you can be found not guilty

If Donald Trump hadnā€™t requested a threesome all would have been rosy

the presumption of innocence
innocent until found guilty ā€¦
So if not guilty, innocent

Maybe you donā€™t believe in the presumption of innocence.

You donā€™t get found innocent in a trial

This seems hard for you to grasp

But itā€™s pretty basic stuff

Youā€™re a paedophile

Cheers mate

Guilty as charged

I wasnā€™t accusing you of anything