I won't be able to drink to spread covid

I’m here for the sauce lad. Me wan is after taking the pizza away for boxing. It’ll be getting left for the seagulls

If Dr Tony says 9euro meals are good for us who are we to argue?

The nicer pub here in the village can’t open at all then. 2 of the 3 pubs in the locality are gone I’d say

Fuck it. I’ve gone the whole hog and booked this place for Friday week



Scary times

Enjoy pal.

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Myself, @anon7035031 and @Sidney out for a sly wan


Is that under your bed?

giphy (53)


I’m drinking with the owners mother here and she giving it holly about all the restrictions. They’ve had the cops twice and the HSE once since monday

Are they being strict on the time limits.

Oh sweet jesus they look lovely.

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I’m in Limerick at the moment and went into the Unicorn for dinner and a too pint of course. I know young Brian and had a brief chat before I took a table. At least 8 lads, a few I’d remeber but kept my distance, unsocially distancing at the bar. The cops will have some crac policing this shite


What was the grub like?

had the fish and chip, twas grand for 11 yo yos

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I was under the impression that the cops had no intention of policing this and it was a HSE job?

The cops are poking their nose in down here anyways

you’d wonder how in the name of jaysus the HSE would police that

sure one of em was an (ex) cop!