I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Lads taking snaps before the pint is even settled now

Ah thatā€™s a noble looking pint in fairness

looks like a pint of stout alright, same as the rest of them :joy:

Iā€™d certainly drink it sooner than Fulvioā€™s above.

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If you look back through this thread youā€™ll find Iā€™ve even posted a pint of Rignes.

I was happy enough there sitting down until I saw that. Iā€™m just back from the fridge now.


Is that @TreatyStones jacket?

Keep the pint pics coming and a ringed glass if you get lucky

Great ciotog grip there


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Sure why not?

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I had 5 pints of lager in Fennessys last night, one earlier in Punches (Limerick), no pictures unfortunately

A lad in my company from up around Mioynaulty in Meath was absolutely raving about the Guinness in Fennessys.

What makes it a great pint, is it the taps/pipes, expertise of the barman or something else?
It tastes like sludgy piss to me either way. Not my thing,
Why is it always supposedly better in quieter auld man pubs than a modern place with the best of technology underground?
Serious questions


The line and the pour. Guiness is the life blood of the auld mans pub. Heā€™ll make sure heā€™ll look after the quality. The fancy dan place would have 6 or 7 drinks sell more than it. Just another piss to throw out.

The auld man wants you back for more guiness. The fancy dan placed doesnā€™t give a fuck

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Fennessys always had a decent pour. I remember having a noble pint in there at 11am the morning after finishing a philosophy exam over 20 years ago. Ended up having a rake of Scrumpy (Iā€™d say one of the last times I drank cider) and falling asleep during the champions league final. Cool story bro etc.

Anyway. Never had a bad pint in there ever. Lovely lovely pints.


Mixing porter and cider its a wonder you woke up

I woke up when Steve Mcmanaman scored a goal for Real and realised half the lads were gone out. Attempted to get off the chair to head into town and ended up asleep on the floor.

Must have been a cunt of an exam :rofl:

I sprained my ankle the morning of the Christmas philosophy exam walking down the driveway to open the gates (roooral lads with their big long driveways). Did the whole exam through agony before getting the auld lad to collect me once it was over. The summer one was a walk in the park in comparison.

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Getting hurt in the driveway isnā€™t belonging solely to the gentry

Weā€™ve a step in ours and I was out to put water on the windscreen during a freeze. Stepped down, the leg went the other leg stayed. I never knew I could do the splits

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What sort of a philosophy exam was that? You were in the pub at 11 am after getting the father to pick you up after the exam? What was it multiple choice philosophy or something?