I won't be able to drink to spread covid

That’s a philosophical question.


No. After the Christmas exam I’d to get the father to collect me. After the summer exam, I was in the pub at 11am. The pub was five minutes from the exam hall. I think the summer exam was a more existentialist one.

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Most college exams are only 2 hours

Volume of it being drank too. First thing I’d do when walking into a pub is give a quick glance around at what other people are drinking. If I see a few pints of Guinness being drank then I know we’re good to go. If you walk into a newer fancy place and not many are drinking Guinness then you have the issue of it sitting in lines and not being poured regularly. Which is why you get the so called “disco pint” (pure shite).

The type of venue is absolutely vital to what drink you’ll go at.


A lad bought the pub near our home house. It had a reputation for awful Guinness. He followed all the tips to get it right, reduced the distance, cleaned the taps and lines properly, had the “quality team” out regularly. And it remained shite

Was it being drank regularly enough by the locals? If the pour is frequent and all of those things are right then it shouldn’t be shite.

It was (well by rural pub standards)

I got baloohbahed on that one evening at herself’s family function. Goes back easy but sent me turbo

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I was given a Murphys in a Guinness glass last night. Didn’t want to bring the tread into disrepute by putting up a photo but I can also feel the corkies cringe at that thought.

Unless the pub had a bad dealing with diageo and they get sent the dregs

Is this it?



Anyone try this Island’s Edge stout ??

I did a few weeks ago.Watery enough.

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They aren’t Irish sausages

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They look fuckin horrific


They are, home made using an Irish recipe.

You brought those yokes to the pub?

No the pub makes them. Outstanding flavor.

A close representative. Sinful