I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Iā€™m on my fourth now but I didnā€™t want to post any more up. I know the way ye lads tend to get nervous after one. Putting 2 in a row up there could have knocked you over the edge.


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Lovely stuff this


Cc @EstebanSexface


Is that a shebeen?That counter is badly cracked on top

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Youā€™ve it sussed Mike, the fire blazing, beer in hand and the hurling about to start :+1:t2:

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I cracked it when I lent on it cos Iā€™m hard

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You must be a ton weight.

Is that Goldbergs?

With the custom made Till & beer mats?

Cc @Copper_pipe

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Fair watery lookin soup

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It would be

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Great to see you got a glass. I got a paper cup of Guinness during the take away pint days

From earlier obviously. Havenā€™t supped a pint in a pub since October. Pure cream


Pure domeage

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Would you ever take the family to a ā€˜Gastropubā€™ for a bit of grub and enjoy a pair of pints?

Not as much anymore. We used do it a bit pre Covid maybe for a bit of early Sunday evening grub but I couldnā€™t remember the last time we did it. Weā€™d be walking distance from plenty of places we could go so no real reason not to beyond preferring to stay at home.

Hard to beat that first couple of sups of a proper pint when you havenā€™t had one in a while.