I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Been there matešŸ¤£

Fuck sakeā€¦ At charity ball with missus with about 7 other randomers. One of the randomers keeps rooling her half glass across her chest and staring at meā€¦ Iā€™m not married like, going out with me missus last 4 years, but she keeps giving the eyeā€¦ Bastard woman.


Your moral fibre is being tested.

Let us know how you get on.


Ah fuck it, sheā€™ll do for the wank bank. More fiber I think than shredded wheet.

Did you go for the waistcoat in the end?

No waistcoat. Worked a charm!

Yer wan wouldnā€™t have been flirting with you if you looked like you were on your way home from Cheltenham :+1:


True sir!

Whatā€™s that code for?
Iā€™m out of the sceneā€¦

That drink causes heart problems

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You know where to take your fashion advice in future.

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Thank you my Waterford friend, I wish you safe travels next Sunday.

Three pints for a fiver. I can remember it well.

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It more than doubled in price in three years 79 to 82 :open_mouth:

Fine Gael saving the country sure after FF fecked it up. The usualā€¦

Gimps would try to convince you that lads who bought houses in that era had it easy.


Same here (ish). Pint of Ale was Ā£1.70 when I started drinking in pubs

Shots firedā€¦ā€¦

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