I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Shit pint but there’s mitigating factors…


What did they charge you for that?

He’s installing the VAR gear. Hardly be expected to pay for a pint now.

Less than a small box of rocher… 6.30



You’ve an awful issue with the drink. There, I said it.

Four nights in a row. I haven’t done that since college I’d say :woozy_face:

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You’ll have some crack sleeping the 1st night without drink in you

I’d a few pints there recently and the Guinness actually wasn’t that bad tbh. The hard plastic glasses are a help

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If you post at least 4 more photos someone might ask where you are.

Nobody cares.

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Where are you?

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The twilight zone

Is it any good, I have the T shirt but I’ve never had the beer :man_shrugging:

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