I won't be able to drink to spread covid

As lagers go. It’s fine. No complaints.

You’ll be in great form tomorrow

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Watery owl lager won’t knock a fonk outa me.

Not bad for an English pint.

Aye, the tans finally seem to have gotten their shit together. Somewhat.


Cc @flattythehurdler


Good man. Have a great time. Pm sent


Had two pints of Islands Edge there tonight. A perfectly acceptable stout substitute

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Did the refreshing taste catch you by surprise?

I was surprised by how unshit it was.


Can imagine, presumed it would be awful based on the advertising.

What’s the taste like? Would it be similar to that Kilkenny ( dunno if that’s correct ) Stout that was out in the late 90’s?

I didn’t like it at all. Did you get it on draught?

I had a few cans of it a couple of months back and I thought it was grand. Would get it again for a change from the Guinness. No real after-taste to it. You get an initial hit of cream and then it’s gone.

I’d be curious to see what it’s like on draught.

Had it on draught and it was no better or worse than run of the mill cold Guinness.

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Kilkenny is still around

In your opinion.