I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Its the ambiance in Thurles Sarsfields

Inflation has finally caught up with the dog track in Thurles. 3 cans for 12 euro doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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4.50 for a pint here. Good value

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Giving it away. Only €4.20 in Lar’s possibly. Note….May not be real porter.


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Noble looking pints :+1:

The finest. The search for a “quiet” pub to have a pint almost proved elusive until I chanced on Buswells. A grand spot for a “quiet” pint and a read of the paper.


Game upped.


Christ of Almighty……

Thanks for giving game away. Govt business outside chambers done there for a reason

Any Pol Corrs in the shadows?

Drank a fair bit of free wine in there in my student days at recruitment nights.

I had to leave it in the end. There was a godhelpus with a voice box who spent the night complaining to the staff who were waiting on him hand and foot. Imagine Stephen Hawking giving out that his chips were cold and you’ve got it.

In the Lincoln Inn now.


None. Only grumpy yanks.

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The technical name for a pint like that is “A three sup’er”

What’s that place like? I was always intrigued by it.

Grand. Gets a lot of tourists. They had traditional music last night.

You’re on the shift, you old rogue….

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The old Lincoln inn was a great spot …

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