I won't be able to drink to spread covid

A noblepint.

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Black sheep was the son of the theakstons. Decent enough also. I presume the name was pointed.

If people keep paying it, they might as well charge it.

Presume so – but do not know so. Have drank Black Sheep a few times. Decent but not memorable, to my taste.

I think Timothy Taylor Landlord is an excellent default ale – if no mild is available, which is usually the case. I remember Kimberley as a consistently good pint of ale during the 1990s and early 2000s. But I see Greene King took over that brewery – lock, stock and barrel – in 2006.

Bah etc.

Have you ever had anything from Thornbridge brewery? They have some lovely ales. I’d agree Timmy Taylors is a grand pint. In the midlands you’ve Purity brewery which do Mad Goose, pure Gold and Ubu which are all great. Although the best ale I’ve had is Summer Lightning from Hopback brewery down in Wiltshire. Lovely job.

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Never had any Thornbridge or Purity beers. Will keep an eye out for them, thanks. Always nice to hear a recommendation.

Hopback is an excellent brewery, as you say. Often drank Summer Lightning, which is lovely. Also like their Entire Stout.

Salopian is another fine brewery, I found. I remember having some outstanding pints of their Choir Porter, which then had a high ABV, at the Falkland Arms in Great Tew. But they do not seem to make it anymore.

St Austell is another brewery I have found consistently good across various beers.

Switching country, ever drink any Nøgne beers?

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Geipel is very nice if you ever come across it. The owner is a neighbor and a lovely man.

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Another new one to me, thanks.

I think a lot of new breweries have come onstream since I left England in 2005.

This lad AFAIK inherited a deal of money. He was high up in the electronics industry and left to pursue his dream of an entirely organic brewery including reed bed filtration and purification. It’s down in North Wales. He’s a lovely quiet gent.

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Yes Salopian is lovely. Their Shropshire Gold is cracking. The local pub has 4 different ales every weekend. Positives are that you get some really good ones from all over. Negatives are that they only order small batches and they try not to repeat so you’d be waiting a good few weeks to get the same pint again

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Bristol Beer Factory- Vienna in Motion. A Vienna pale ale whatever that is.
Nice pint in fairness


Burning soul- Moral Panic. Local beer from jewellery quarter in Birmingham

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The Station didsbury.
A long day swimming then refereeing.
Refereeing always leaves me unsettled.
Was with Claire and Aussie Ben.


Did they shout at you again?

Oh my days they did.
Both sets of players both sidelines and to round it off, the umpires were roaring as well.
Finished 4-11 to 4-10.
If I’d put a tick on the wrong side like the lad below in cork, I’d be recently deceased.




Whats the plan for the match flatty? At home or pub?

Home I’d say. I want to watch it properly I’d three pints yesterday and only half an eye on it. I don’t really like drinking watching a game tbh. Two (2) mugs of tae I’d reckon. I suspect I may need one after though.