I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Thanks. Interesting menu.

As discussed with @Fagan_ODowd earlier today, buying anything from UK is now usually tricky and expensive. Reasonably often, I used to buy Belgian beers and ciders. Now another disaster…

Old Peculier can be hard to locate. Had a quick scan of leading Irish specialist off licenses and TWC is the only one with stock. I go in and buy it there myself, naturally. Holds up well in the bottle.

Thanks, but I don’t think I’d be ordering online.
I’ll keep an eye out in Tescos.

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Really liked it. Never before knowingly had Sri Lankan food.

Beer is usual option with this kind of food. But took the ostensibly strange option of drinking below bottle with it, because it is a great food wine in general, and option worked great. Reckoned bottle would not be on the list at all if it did not work:

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Always great with food , fish in particular :clap::clap:

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A regular Robert Parker in our midst, we have.


Yep. I already knew JD as source of non bankruptcy priced White Burgundy for the occasional treat.

This bottle was a good bit richer than a lot of Chablis, which is often – at least to me – pleasingly ‘thin’. The extra richness worked more like a Riesling, which is obviously why the restaurant had it listed.

We will all be dead a long time… Carpe diem.

A regular oenophile. Huda thunk it……


First time I had Chablis was at dinner on ile d’Yeu, I believe the host was a descendant of French royalty. You take notes in such company.

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Did he tell you white wine is nice with fish, this nobleman?


It was a woman. Noble woman.

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By God. Anyhow I managed to knock a twist out of my new word for the day - oenophile. Good tale.:+1:



Of a Wednesday. You animal

I’m taking a slow wind up to the weekend.

I’ve been sent a photo of a receipt from The Merchants Arch in Temple Bar where pints of Guinness are a mere €8.10. That wouldn’t be long putting you off pints. More than double the price of that pub in Kerry…
The country is fucked without a doubt


Still house?

White House

Oh la di da

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