I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Nice settle-bed, flag floor and turf basket but there’s no crook for the fireplace. You’re knocking at the door but we’ve modernised. Those kitchen chairs, while ornamental looking were hoors to stop from falling apart. The heat made them rickety.

Boxty MĂłr used bring them to the lake and steep them overnight in the spring water. You could use them the day after but it tightened them enough to make it a half-yearly effort. This was of course before wood glue was invented and eminently cheaper.

The oul’ lad had a savage suspicion of quick solutions.


The tempo is rising, there’s several bottles of spirits available but the guests are insistent……What’s a man to do?


Give them the protestant whiskey


I’d ate that


And as the Aussies like to say “If you don’t like it, you can leave!”

My friend Asahi from yesterday isn’t exactly being kind to me today.
I’m in flitters here. But we’ll go again later on. If it doesn’t kill you it’ll make you stronger. That’s my take of it anyway.


They were only bottles, you should remind yourself of this and you’ll only feel half as bad

Asahai will blow the hole off you the day after

I did warn you.

A self fulfilling prophecy, you jinxed him.

620 ml bottles for some reason.

I know you did but I had the tracksuit off at that stage and had gotten the nod to go on.


New to Tescos. From Madrid as the name suggests but brewed in the UK. 4.6% but a bit watery.

It’s fucking beautiful stuff the Asahi. You just needed a bit of match fitness. Get down to Tesco tomorrow and take the brother in law on again.

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Agreed. I tasted this in italy and felt the same.

See Germany invaded Poland

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Madri is the Bierra Morretti of 2022. Has taken the country by storm in the last 6 months

Which side were Spain on?