I won't be able to drink to spread covid

That’s a nice little spin. Enjoy…

Mulligans, Poolbeg St

Couldn’t be. You’d have a dickhead barman confiscating the phone in a bid to preserve authenticity and actually ruining it by falsely trying to preserve the authenticity.

I always hated Mulligans.


Never warmed to it as a pub either. There is an unwarranted pretentiousness to it.

I was in there recently enough and there was none of that.

I get what you mean.

A least the owners work behind the bar though which is strange for a city centre pub.

Ah I’d generally see the owners behind the bar in places where I’d frequent about the city centre. Chaplins, Briodys, Boars head and The Palace.

Where’s Mucky Ryan these days? At home or in Oz?

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Not sure to be honest. You could meet him anywhere. Smashing fella. He married a Galway girl a few years ago.

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@Declan_Moffat might have a better idea than me. Although based in Birmingham he is there more often than me these days :joy:

As sound a man you could meet.

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Last time I was in there, he was behind the bar and back for a while at least but that’s 12 months ago now.


Chaplins is a noble spot.

Martin the Tipp man is a gent.

Alice is married the owner - an older Tipp man?


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Martin a gent alright. Phil is the owner. His wife is Mary. Tis a family owned thing though. A lot of Ryans.

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Martin told me previously that there was a link to Ryan’s on Camden St - they are neighbours of his from Tipp.

Martin is Borrisoleigh. He’s a McGrath. In Dublin donkey’s. Was on the team/panel that won the all ireland club in the 80’s. The Ryan’s of Camden St are also Borris. Not sure of the link with the Ryan’s of Chaplins. Maybe through Norrie Ryan who was the mother of the Camden St Ryan’s. I’d have to ask the father. He’ll have it traced in no time


Martin has a habit of saying ‘thanks lads’ even if he is dealing with a single lady.

The first time I came across him was in there one Paddy’s day. We were sitting at the bar and a pile of other friends arrived in after a number of hours. One bought a round of drink for us and us at the start of pints already. They were pulled and quick as a flash Martin came on the scene and sorted things by getting rid of the pulled ones and told us to give him a shout when we were ready.

He got rid of Sky in there pre Covid and had the Tipp Wexford match from 2019 played on repeat until Christmas!


He’s a great barman. I always recommend it to English lads who are going over for a weekend.

A local pub in the middle of Dublin.

With mighty Guinness.

They had a young lad from Leitrim stock playing music there on a Friday night for a while. Martin was quick to let me know about him.