I won't be able to drink to spread covid

The stupid cunt couldn’t tell a pint of Beamish from a pint of Guinness the last time I looked at a video of his.

Is there a skip of pints included in the 45 notes?

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Love his last comment…Social Media is Mad, its literally why your known you tool

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Is Liz Truss running his socials?
Serious backtrack.

#ibelievehim. He’s actually fairly sound.

That’s a Damian Browne level rowback.

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He clarifies and rectifies the mistake he made that upset the tfk brendas

The tfk nualas cut the back off him for owning up to and fixing the mistake.

Classic. T.F.K

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Jaysus :drooling_face:

Naggin in the river rock bottle too, a nice touch.

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You bastard

Happy anniversary guys x :heart:


you old Indian Summer
You’re the tear that comes after June-time’s laughter

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That Indian Summer is nice tack

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Jaysus the shtick on that.

A proper gulp from @Spidey.

He doesn’t mess about.

Gasping. Post 5 a side. The ribena was for rehydration.

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Ateing and drinking in that pint sure

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Lovely fizzy 3/4 pint here in San Francisco. A bargain at 13 dollars.