I won't be able to drink to spread covid

My Protestant mates mugšŸ˜
Thatā€™s what ye need Barryā€™s tea
Not creamy pints

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Craft beer is absolute shite.


Be a great move. Imagine pubs full of local brews and not generic mass produced piss like Heineken and the likes ,:clap::clap:


The hipsters think itā€™s brewed by dwarves and elfs.


Anything that hurts the Heineken brand is to be welcomed lads.

Anything the hurts the Heineken brand, they just try to buy it and close it.

Heineken owned pubs?

Types of beer I was talking about.
I know nothing about Heineken owned pubs.

Not sure what point you were making then.

Heineken are renowned for buying out locally produced popular beers. Closing the brewery and moving production to mainland Europe to ā€œreduce costsā€. Then when they find the slops they produce (Moretti is a case of point here) arenā€™t selling, they close off the name.

They are. Its fairly well known. Its actually quite a common practice in business. Iā€™m not sure what its to do with the point of them upping prices.

Paul Treyvaud is an awful cunt .


I was about to say as much :smiley:

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That doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not right!

Boycott Heineken brand

Im going to drink about 20 pints of it this weekend. Complete boycott after that.


Did you get any bit of paint on the wall at all? :wink:

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Iā€™m heading to Dublin Sunday evening for a few pints. I was going to go to some of the famed cathedrals of porter but I might just have a feed of H2O/Heinemite instead.

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You old lads are so conditioned to accept mediocrity on the back of marketing, itā€™s very amusing. You always seem to accept the official line.

Heineken is swill. Iā€™d only drink it out of courtesy if it was handed to me in someoneā€™s house