I won't be able to drink to spread covid

They only hand it to you out of courtesy… that fucking @StoneCold is here again, give him a warm heineken and he’ll fuck off


There’s nothing worse than it. I’d rather not drink.

Why would the pub need to put it up 50c

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Yeah 30c became 50c there without any real explanation


An ice cold heineken in a cold pint glass from the fridge will slake any man’s thirst


I don’t know whether Heineken or Budweiser is worse but I wouldn’t drink either. I’d be happy to see pubs turn their back on them altogether but they probably are reliant on them. @Lazarus do the suppliers make it difficult to exclude the flagship brand like that? Would they be in pulling out fridges and signage and other shite given to pubs?

Eh, “reality”. It’s there in black and white.

Support local.

It’s amazing that most of the population are just happy to guzzle the shite these cunts produce and then they go on like Ireland has a drink ‘culture’… The only culture is getting drunk by any means. Go to somewhere like my beloved Belgium… Pride in local produced quality. That’s what we should be aiming for.


Sorry yes. Cleared up now

The Belgians get drunk too mate, they just do it on local stuff. It does seem to be a lot harder in Ireland to compete with international brands.

It’s the journey, not the destination…

The Irish are very submissive. That’s a fact.

We’re a corporate dream.

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It seems like Heineken already had increased their prices, at least according to this article, in Asia, US and Africa last year by 10%. They had been pursuing an aggressive pricing strategy. Article doesn’t really detail why they waited so long to up their prices in Europe. I would expect Diageo, C & C group to all follow suit. These things never happen in a vacuum as we have seen with tech industry over the last few days. Industry trends are trends for a reason. It will undoubtedly close more pubs as the price rise wont be able to be absorbed by the publican. There was something reassuring in many establishments about not having to hand over more than the crinkly old fiver in your pocket for a pint but that day is gone now. I’m not sure minimum alcohol pricing has helped pubs in general. Probably too early to tell as drinking at home became so prevalent in the last couple of years. None of these big organisations seem willing to accept a down year or some headwinds. Instead corporate greed takes hold and ordinary Joe Soaps bear the cost. Maybe Its an opportunity for the small microbreweries to scale up and try and capture some of the market.

Jobie - “this is going to add the best part of 50c to a pint” coming on the heels of “according to my Maths” confirms to me that this Jobie lad is the ultimate opportunistic, self serving, greedy cunt.
20/25c should cover the rise, the patrons of his gaff are well fit for the sums as well.

Its more the customers to be honest. Heineken is the best seller after Guinness in most places, fellas are very loyal to their pint. Chemical infused piss that it is old @Faldo was a hoor for Heineken. I can picture the look I’d have have gotten if I replaced it with some honeyberry oat milk IPA.

Depends to what extent they have sold their soul to them in the first place. Some shops would be all in alright, the savvy lads just play one beer company off the other


There’s loads of regular largers being produced locally - it’s not all citrus infused urchin’s uterus.

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@anon67715551 a hot poitin to try and blow away a head cold


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Na never do boy- your back​:clap::clap:

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