I won't be able to drink to spread covid

That wins pint of the week.

@KinvarasPassion was close but lost marks for pine table and decor.

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I’d say @KinvarasPassion one is out of a nitro can in his kitchen

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I got mugged off this evening. That pint was drank in the Lady Gregory Hotel whilst the kids were swimming. I swung by Kinvara on the way home and pulled 6 cans of Guinness from the fridge… Never looked at them. Landed home and they are this nitro shite… Apparently I need some device to drink them?

I drank one anyway out of pure ignorance, twas grand.


you don’t need the device to drink them but you’ll be able to shit through the eye of a needle in the morning


As @flano used to say… :eek: eek

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Drive a screwdriver through the bottom of the can and sit it on top of a pint glass to pour out, nothing like it


Does straight head or Phillips make a difference?


Has to be a straight head, a Phillips would have the head on the bottom of the glass

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We’re probably not allowed call it a straight head anymore. Thats the way its gone now i suppose

Probably cos it’s always been called a flat head?


A week ago I had a pint in the same pub and it was middling.

It’s al to do with the point in the keg for me.

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Few of these stories around. Is there any chance this would become more commonplace? Pubs ditching the big international brands and going local. I know Lazarus was saying fellas are tied to their Heineken etc but surely supporting local business if it was around the same price is win win. What would be the price comparison between the likes of white hag in a pub and Heineken/bud?
Funny that its usually the biggest drinkers too are most wedded to their international brand.
I knew a diehard local soccer, united footix, anti gah head, functioning alcoholic who gave up his favourite tipples of Guinness and carlsberg and moved to Budweiser because of the sponsorship deals they signed though so it can be done.

the majority of lads that keep a pub going will drink the cheapest available shite in the pub, ie, alcoholics. They’ll drink fosters or tuborg or whatever the house has, they won’t be drinking craft ales at 6 or 7 euro a pop.


Yeah that’s true. That’s what I was wondering though what is the actual price difference between heino/carlsberg and an Irish ‘craft’ lager in a pub? The tuborgs and labbatts of this world are a different category altogether. They actually show how wedded people are to the big 3 lagers as even when they are available cheaper I’d say most people still choose carlsberg, bud or heineken.

you’d pay 6 euro for a moretti out of the tap in cloyne. 5 euro for a plain and 5.50 for a heineken. I just found out moretti is heinken, just right now.

I don’t drink in places that have craft beer in them it seems.

You’d be surprised the amount of pubs getting in large amounts of Heineken at the moment before it goes up in price . Getting in their Christmas stock at the going price and whack the 50 odd cent in December.

Very few pubs have anything craft on tap. The likes of Heineken just keep squeezing them out.

Heineken have a near monopoly or have cornered most of the Irish market. They also brew Murphys and Beamish so unless its Guinness or Coors light youre having, there are not many other draft options available. 2 or 3 good places just north of the Lee there in Cork between Shandon and Sundays well. Bierhaus is a good spot for different beers. Quite strong mind. Franciscan Well is close by as well. Another one opened there too recently.

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