I won't be able to drink to spread covid

I’d nearly go back onit - 2 fuckin punctures- one a blow out
Other side of the road into oncoming ffs

My mates pub - Fransciscian well
North Mall Cork
Is flying for years courtesy’ of their own brewery’
We painted the gaff long time ago and as the brewer bar the time was a fried
Us 2 painters asked him to give us a heads up when it’s ready for tasting

We’ll long story short- passed as farts after 5 pints each, fresh ice cold- mothers milk at the time

Lost a half days work over it
Nate had to leave his car in town
String shagging stuff

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Big backtrack incoming…

Or were they only after a 10c rise all along and threw out the 20c as a false flag?

Soz for delay in replying…. A tried and trusted remedy.

2 large measures (think doubles here) and as hot as you can take them.
While reluctant to venture into honey issues I’d always add a spoonful.

Medication followed by the cot. No use drinking a can or a half-one of Powers after it…

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Pure nonsense.
The first pulled pints will be shite by the time the photo was ready.


A cathedral of porter.


I always throw a lemsip in there as well. Sleep like a sweaty bear after it.

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Confident pour

The best pub in east cork

I’m sitting here in Terminal 2, working for another three hors, literally salivating

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Can you get in for a drink in the bars in the airport at that stage of the night?

Ill drink the next one in your thirst



The head is too big on that. A bit like one of them Garrihy sisters


And would that shtop you riding them?