I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Every pint you put up has a knife and fork beside it. Eating and drinking in that


Nearly enough the only time I get to have a pint these days, only way I can have one.

What’s the grub like in there?


Not bad pal


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Usual choice in The Long Hall.


Had a couple of pints earlier with a Kildare friend in Kennedy’s of Drumcondra. Guinness still good but not keen on makeover.

Fucking Christmas decorations

Proper looking shop, where’s this?

Tom Collins Oyster Saloon Limerick.
Probably the nicest bar in the city.


Yes it is. Enjoyed a couple of nights there during the early part of the summer.

Getting a seat is a wonder in itself.

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You are dead right. Only got a seat myself because two men were leaving as I came into the back. Finished up my pint a bit quicker so that I could give the table to a nice Italian couple.

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Neary’s. Years since I was in here. Still nice. Does the brocade thing well.

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Front snug, Kehoes.

Place is holding up right well. Not in here for a few years.


I was in there last night.Its a great spot tbf.

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@Malarkey get down to that “Cathedral of Porter/Theatre of Joy” Devitts of Camden Street for a proper Sunday session.

Kevin McMenamon on tunes.


That’s a cracking pub.

It was recommended to me by the Limerick folk on here years ago.

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Am on the way home. Will finish off day with a pint in Lenehan’s.

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