I won't be able to drink to spread covid

File with Buckler. Wojciech will be on the chopping block like the lad who made a balls of launching Afflighem.

They tried, it didn’t work out. Move on.

I had it in a bar/restaurant one night that only stocked Heineken products. It was an inoffensive sup but you’d never order it if Guinness was available. It was a stout for people that didn’t like stout. Typically those people drink lager.


Sorry now that I never have it a go

I’d say you’d still pick up a few cans in the supermarket

Sure what would be the point :man_shrugging:

Stop you feeling sorry


He fairly threw that back in your face

I’m a lager drinker usually, I’ve often mentioned how I don’t like stout, it was just a bad gag :man_shrugging:

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Inoffensive was exactly how I described it too. There was nothing to dislike about it, but not a whole pile to like about it either.

If @Horsebox was an alcoholic beverage.


They’re putting a their efforts behind Beamish again I’m led to believe. Don’t know the price point though. They can hardly leave it at what it is…

Anyone taking on Guinness, including Guinness themselves with their modern glass*, needs their heads read.

*I had no problem at all with the modern glass and I believe that the pint may well have tasted nicer out of said glass.

If Murphy’s was sold nationwide it would do fine as an alternative to Guinness. Most stout drinkers would sample it in Cork and it’s nice.

Islands Edge was bland.

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Poor Islands Edge, both @fran and @Horsebox

I don’t like the aftertaste of murphys


Beamish is more popular in Cork I’d have thought.


They tried to take Murphys nationwide in the 70s as per the ad above. The attempt failed and drove Murphys to bankruptcy which led to the Heineken takeover.
Stout is a relatively niche drink worldwide. Guinness is an outlier and is drunk in large quantities here because it has become part of the national fabric (a condition Guinness goes to great expense to sustain). It is not interchangeable with other stouts.


Is that some kind of cough medicine?

It might as well be.

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