I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Limerick was hopping tonight. As busy as I have ever seen O’Connell st at 11pm.


Had a couple in dunboyne tonight. Dead as a doornail- pubs wrapping up at midnight

The boat club was an unbelievable spot on a late Saturday night back in the day.

Nolans, Kildare Town.

Underrated spot, probably.

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Jaysus, you’d some night of it. A hape of Limerick cathedrals

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Thanks. First time I was in four of them. Limerick people are fierce friendly and sound. Great buzz around last night. Charlie Malone’s a great spot to end up in last. We were grand and walked the 20m home.

Am wending my way to Waterford to see The Nightingales later on. Terrible day of weather.

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I was in there last night, but going by the time line of your posts i would have been gone by then

Was told before The Commercial is very good. And it is. Atmosphere and crowd reminded me of McIntyre’s in Ballyshannon.

Close friend of mine is married to a Kilmallock woman. Hence the Limerick jaunts, expertly curated by him. He is disappointed not to have been able to bring me to Quinlan’s in Cullen as yet. His mother in law was from Cullen.

Nightingales did a decent show in Dublin last night by all accounts. Limerick was busy last night. We were down but hit to Dolans for a gig.

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A coincidence… Who was in Dolans?


Nice enough spot but very food orientated. Good pint.

Helmet. Did some great heavy albums in the 90s. Great show. Absolutely rockin’

Ah… Not a lot I know about them. But seem to reemember they have a massive live reputation.

My Mrs loves them. We went to see them in Glasgow 9 years ago so she couldn’t turn down the chance to see them in her home town.

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A win win…

Seem to remember a friend in England asking me to go with him to a Helmet gig in the mid 1990s. But cannot remember why I could not. Also seem to remember I preferred Helmet to Pearl Jam and the like.

Are you a Motorhead fan?

I’d be fond of Motorhead (got to see them once). Probably wouldn’t go so far as to say a fan. More a passing interest and appreciation.

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Got this pint of plain in Thomas Maher’s, O’Connell Street, Waterford today. One of the best pints I ever drank. Eating and drinking in it.


Mahone (as far as I recall the name) was the best pub we found in kildare.across from the square in the middle (would you call it a square?)

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