I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Did they not mind making up hang sandwidges for you the whole week long?


That a good description alright.

We were with the sister in law. It was her idea. But the Bacardi thing finished her as well.

I’d imagine in a classy all-inclusive you’d pay dear for table service.

I don’t know. Is there such a thing on package holidays? If you know what I mean.

The cruises are all inclusive and you pay for a drinks package or not if you don’t want to do it that way.

All inclusive me bolix, eating your body weight in prison food because you want value and drinking piss all day

You’d put on 5 stone and shorten your life by ten years


I don’t comprehend.

[Snigger, snigger. I’m such a clever coward that I go around constantly changing my handle – esoecially when a female politician makes me piss myself – and annoying all the ‘wokies’. Snigger, snigger. I’m so clever that I am a fierce smooth hypocrite. Snigger, anigger. I’m so clever that the mother still brestfeeds me every Tuesday evening. Snigger, snigger. I’m so clever that I pal uo with every sleazy moron on here. Snigger, snigger. I’m so clever that I am sow egotistical and pig stupid. Snigger, snigger.]

Stage 9

Considering @Kyle well known ethnicity… ADMINS??

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Your sordid mind, not mine.

I know 'eff all about that moron’s background.

Freudian slip then, no surprise.

Snigget, snigger.

You were fierce boring on that podcast. But I watched the whole hour of it!

I love Elon Musk and Donal Trunp. Gives me a personality!

Snigger, snigger.

Ireland, alas, is full of gobshites like you. Pity ye all could not be deported to Rockall.


Like the vast majority of people i fell asleep in jig time… You killed what should have been a great occasion. I’d say Dalo was mortified listening to you drone on … you truly are a drip.

Am I? Of course, you are that peculiar and twisted splice of egotism and utter stupidity that you would not think to ask yourself the obvious question: what sort of a fuckwit is obsessed with a supposed drip?

I am important! I got the server crashed when I was-- well, whatever I was back then!

Snigger, snigger.

I might go for a pint

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Ah shur , you’d save the price of a Taylor swift concert doing it.

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The only person obsessed with you on here is yourself. You’re a horrible little cunt that the mods seem to tolerate for some bizarre reason

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