I won't be able to drink to spread covid

It’s like Guinness.

Lovely stuff.


Ah fuckit, if you can’t beat them join em,

This is making my my mouth water, best pint in town I’m told

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Did you pull that yourself?


How many days have you drank out of the last 14, pal? I’m concerned.

If someone handed me out that id pour it into the slop tray.

What is that?

I think I’ll have another, that was smashing

A fantastic looking pint.


A pint of Guinness, I don’t deserve any credit for it

To the hints.

I’m half buckled here lads

Some head on that lad

Ya, it was savage

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That’s a half

I hope you only paid for 3/4 of a pint.

I ate the top with a spoon

You’ll sleep like a baby for the afternoon

I’ll just finish these off before the camogie
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You are some man.

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