[quote=“Sledgehammer”][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]Do you think it’s possible that he is actually fairly hard though? He’s from Hulme or Longsight or somewhere like that, I’d say he’s harder than most tfk posters anyway to be honest.
comes across as tool lately, he must be completely fucked from the drugs.
But also, he’s a rake of a man, i’d say he’d get battered by anyone anyway decent with the fists.
[FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]I remember seeing him in the Kitchen back in the day. Didn’t have the inclination to go over and talk to him though, despite me being a big fan of the Roses and also of his solo stuff.
The “I’ll cut your hands off” shout was brilliant, I used it myself some years later when some local hoodies were robbing the wheelie bins from myself and the missus. Their response was to rob it one last time and burn it up the road.