Idiot of the Month - February Vote

Waste of a vote that, itā€™s the equivalent of voting Sinn Fin into the Dil.

[quote=ā€œMairegangaireā€]if youā€™re that bad
what must Farmer be like

Bondage youā€™d better check up on him.

(If you havenā€™t told him what you already know that is)[/quote]
How many HRT pills did you pop this afternoon?

my nerves arenā€™t at me at all Shirty.

its better off to be a winner Ben, it means at the very worst you have made an impression - look at it as a good thing , imagine being so damn bland & inoffensive that you are anomynous on an internet forum - how much MBB , Gola 7 the rest of the non entities feel to have never made an impression

Shush now, the adults are speaking.

And I for one donā€™t even try. Like the signature there NCC


it was an eye opener when I read the post- in defense of GGA fans MBB is pretty easily offended & quick to react so it may have just been blue language

3 mins to go and the thread is half way down the page

I make it 6 but yeah, wtf! 52 votes in though, high turn out

I went for Flango in the end.

Youā€™re right Locke, I just looked at the time of the first post rather than the poll. Schoolboy error on my part.

Higher turnout than I anticipated. Seems Mulliance members have voted even without getting a mandate. Will be interesting to see if the Alliance was active this months.


I think youā€™ll find no mandate was given mac. I went with my heart in the end, its all I could do.

Sort it out Mac will ya. 2 mins to go. Cliffhanger timeā€¦

heā€™ll be hard bet:rolleyes:.

Epic stuff as always this.

Landslide stuff. Well deserved.

Landslide for the CV.