Idiot of the Month - February Vote

The polls will close exactly 48 hours from the date of this post. The winner will therefore be announced on Friday afternoon.

The candidates, in order of being nominated are Captainshan, north county corncrake, Mairegangaire, Flano, Cian Foley, Farmerinthecity, Bandage, caomhaoin, Ben Shermin, The Puke, HBV*.

First past the post shall be declared the winner.

Best of luck to all competitors.

I’m not nominated. There’s a mistake there.

Bit of a problem with the poll me thinks?

a number of people i nominated dont seem to be there?

Wat the fook, I nominated Dan Carter Blew His Da, why isn’t he on the poll. I call shenanigans

i declare this months vote a dud

Same here. This is a farce.

Also McGeady1916 should have automatic entry for having the stupidest username ever.

i also call shenanigans

Whats that I hear? Shenanigans

[quote=“Flano”]Same here. This is a farce.

Also McGeady1916 should have automatic entry for having the stupidest username ever.[/quote]

Finding it easy to see why u were idiot of the year

Stupid username? says he who is named after a feckin cake

Yep it’s officially Shenanigans!

Bandage, can you see the votes then?


caoimhaoin bursts into an early lead


Thats a mighty big spoon you have there…

Who voted for The Puke? Bad form.

I am well used to it Runty, having won it before and all…Unlike Ben and the like I don’t lose too much sleep over internet polls…

i did

With the exception of your two months of “not letting it go”???