Idiot of the Month - July Preview

I know its only the 21st July but I think July has been a cracker and there’s still a full 10 days left. At the moment I’m tied between farmer for getting so wound up last night when it was blatantly obvious I was trying to wind him up and MGG for openly admitting he/she drinks in Cafe en Seine.

You’re not too far away from it yourself Mac. Resorting to public insults. Tut tut

MGG for her persecution complex about being from Cork is way out in front at the moment.

The oestrogen fuelled rants have MGG out in front i think.

Vote for ME!

The campaign starts now.

Please advise on canvassing protocols; press dates, debates and general conduct for candidates.

As it removes Jerry Kiernan from under me I’ll be going all out to win this one.

Even have a communications officer on standby. Busy day cancelling meetings & deferring PQ’s; so this is no bother.

Mac would be my choice at the moment…

I admit I lost the head towards the end last night but that was only in reaction to Mac having the gall to say that I am easily wound up having himself lost the head to my wind-ups over Wexford’s defeat and throwing in personal jibes (sure sign of getting wound up)…

Coudn’t follow MGG’s post (haven’t been able to follow any so far truth be known) so may be there is a nomination in that…

Rock’s complete u-turn on Harrington is another contender and I still can’t forget Puke’s nomination of me based on my nominating of Captainshan for a July post even though the post where I nominated him was in July as well…

Give me something to compete against!

For many reasons, not being from Kilkenny being just one; An uncontested run to victory is not for me;

So I would like to nominate ArtFoley; for…where do I start. For the moment anyway, his Siptu thread should be enough to qualify his candidacy

I’d like to see Dan getting the nod for overreacting to the June poll and for publically implying that I voted for him, when I didn’t.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]For many reasons, not being from Kilkenny being just one; An uncontested run to victory is not for me;

So I would like to nominate ArtFoley; for…where do I start. For the moment anyway, his Siptu thread should be enough to qualify his candidacy[/quote]

MGG, this is not the nominations thread, this is just a preview of whats to come. Hold fire until the official thread is opened.

I admit I lost the head towards the end last night but that was only in reaction to Mac having the gall to say that I am easily wound up [/quote]

I’m sorry farmer, I dont know where I could have got that idea from


so what is this thread for so?

You’re not the only one.

What about NCC asking for all GAA threads to be amalgamated in to one thread, and he then sets about opening a new one on Wexford GAA when i am almost certain there is one open already…


[quote=“ChocolateMice”]What about NCC asking for all GAA threads to be amalgamated in to one thread, and he then sets about opening a new one on Wexford GAA when i am almost certain there is one open already…


i think it was more a poor attempt at a wind up…similar to his trout tickling thread etc…sure the wife doesn’t let him go out so he has to get his kicks from somewhere…not his fault he is under the thumb…

soon rock will be at the same craic…

Cafe En Seine isn’t that bad really, although there is a time and place for it

time being your engagement party maybe trying to impress the inlaws, any other time…wrong

I wouldnt want in-laws that are impressed by that place.

It’s fairly dire in fairness but it doesn’t hold a candle to Samsara or Ron Blacks

How many of the above has Farmer been involved in?

Cafe En Seine is a decent spot for a late drink on Wednesday or Thursday I find, same with Ron Blacks although I don’t think I’ve ever been in Samsara.

No-one stands out for me this month, I think I will give the usual suspects another 10 days to really push the boat out in terms of web idiocy.