Idiot of the Month - March 2016

Please feel free to document acts of idiocy across this site during the month of March this year.

The very best of luck to all nominees!

You’re all over the place here.

Setting up the March thread before February voting has finished.

Setting up the February vote without having a final reminder and last chance to get nominations in.

This is below par administrating.

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Have been up the walls with work mate. First chance I’ve got to sit down and do it now.

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Sorry for snapping, pal.

I want you to make a success of this.

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Idiot of the month stuff from @Locke


No problem brah. We go back too far to fall out over it.

@Nembo_Kid for the following quote:

And a message to all voters who cast one in my direction, I am more of a man than all of you put together. You wouldn’t dare come at me in a one v one


And @Nembo_Kid so for missing out on the basic premise of voting for what’s actually on the ballot paper in the February IOTM Vote thread.

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@Hbv for not knowing the difference between Fingal and administrative Fingal.

What a fud




@anon59781749/@anon25556527 for posting a Cheltenham preview night video from 2013.

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I’m nominating @Chucks_Nwoko for nominating somebody for idiot of the month because they posted a link at the request of another poster.

Accepted. May the biggest idiot win.



@locke flogging a dead horse here.

Five nominations @balbec, just giving a reminder.

@balbec for underestimating the success of this revitalised venture.

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@Locke is managing this superbly


Yeah, 18 posts already.

20 …