Made it to Monument Valley yesterday. Felt @carryharry would be contrary if I didn’t post up an aul pic
Thats more like it
Needy wanker.
Wheres zat
Lough Akeen, Sheep’s Head, way out wesht Cark
West cark is a fine spot, did you run into fotf ian bailey? That oneplus owes you nothin at this stage
It’s a glorious spot to tour around the place, although we’ve been haunted with the weather for the first week in November. Was through Schull yesterday but sign of the bould Ian.
Anyway, I was above in Cratoe Woods today. Big crowds around due to the good weather. Good few people robbing holly. As I approached the car park I came upon two groups with bags of holly. I says to myself I bet they have expensive cars. Sure enough, they packed the boots of two L regs. A 191 and a 192.
I suppose that’s why they have it. I assume there is a word for it, but it escapes me…
The view from the top.
Wow,amazing view there lad.Makes me wish I’d gone up myself.Top quality forestry road there in fairness
Newly laid road since I was up there last. You can just make out the Galtee Mountains in the distance. You’d of had to have been there.
Even better, here is a picture of where I’m hoping to build soonish, and some others from around the farm
Are you a peeping Tom?