I'm a dosser who takes pictures of inane scenery thread

Fucked if I know. If you’re using a decent camera I suppose you’d put it somewhere stable, set a slow shutter speed and use a timer. But I haven’t a clue.

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Do you spake Ulster Scots?

Sey eh slow shaw er speed

Long exposure and a tripod

Shoot for the highlights, recover the shadows.


Rule of thirds, straighten your horizons.

Could you point a poster to a handy online tutorial, or recommend a book etc?

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What’s your interest? Landscape, sports, portraits, macro
Or something else?

Macro and landscape

Have you an interchangeable lens camera?

And if so can you shoot in manual mode?

I have two, and I cant use either of them


I had one, for eight years before I got lessons as a present from my wife on how to get the most from it. In terms of landscape you are talking about biggest f stop number that your lens is capable of. And because that cuts the amount of light coming in often your shutter speed will have to be very slow. Macro is similar but you need a lens fit for the job and both will lead down the road of post production. Photoshop or lightroom.
A tripod and setting the timer on the shutter release . And then there’s ISO. But fuck that, that’s all technical shite anyone can learn, you have an eye for it. Get a couple of lessons, or I’ll link you a few YouTube channels to get you started. What make of cameras have you and lenses?

So not with my phone then?


Everything I posted here is taken with my phone


Same rules apply, however the results aren’t scalable owing to the size of the sensor. But you can still take amazing photos with a good modern camera phone.