I'm a whiney bitch who can't drink for shit these days

No she’d be too old. Fuck I felt like some old perv there.

outstanding posting from @Brimmer_Bradley

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You can see brimmer there on the extreme right of the photo.

I was in Ryans the day before the 2016 All Ireland final.

It was not by choice.

It was hell. The place was wedged. A heap of young ones pissed wandering around blocking any type of orderly movement through the crowd. No one to fuck them out. The manager, who I believe is a county man of my own, losing the head and actually giving a drunk lad a slap across the bar. While the other bar people were doing Trojan work serving the masses as best they could, your man wandered around causing a hassle for them more than anything.

It is a mad spot and its mainly due to him being a bit touched. I would be fair pissed off if it was my local for years and it sold out to the student crowd without any sort of order being placed on them.

Mr. Fucking Brightside

I’m on my seventh pint of Heineken in Cassidys


The night we turned up here was not my choice, a kilmallock lad in our company talked us into going there, fffs there was a queue about a half a kilometer long, 3 abreast,of kids along the road waiting to get in, the aforementioned colleague knew someone working in there so we were covertly brought in a side door.
5 roasters in their 40s standing in a midst of a cattle mart crushing mass. Fuck that.

Id say you will do untold in the boyles next door as the day goes on

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Some spot for a lock in all the same.

I admire you immensely :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


That’s what Sundays are all about when you’re a young single lad,out all day and not a bother on ye in the morning

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Fuck but those were the days, Super Sunday’s we used to call them.

Power through the Saturday night hangover, top up early Sunday. Hit the local Disco Sunday night confident you’d get the ride as everyone out of a Sunday was a desperado.

Fuck growing up & responsibilities.

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Jesus I get 4 day hangovers after 5 pints

i was suicidal after the personal i had last week

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You have the life o Riley you lucky cunt .

We have all had the life o reilly,its just his turn now.


I am fucking green with envy .

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I’ve a big wedge on tycoon prince at 5s in the next



I do be exhausted reading such posts. I’d need a defib after 8 pints these days

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