I'm a whiney bitch who can't drink for shit these days

I’d had about 10 pints of Heineken last night and I’m gonna have a handy half dozen now.Sluuuurrrrrp


That’s the spirit oul’ stock.

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Just the 8 tonight.A lay in tomorrow. Sluuuuuurrrrrp

A few pints while you pick apart the merits of the latest championship win, how bad?


Ahh - the even gallon. A noble measurement. There was a local hero hereabouts who only
measured consumption in gallons. He’d comfortably ease his way through 4 of a Sunday if he hadn’t to break to attend a match.
His birthday coincides with the outbreak of WW2 (3/9/39) although he denies causing it.


‘Are you going for a quart’? was a common request back in the day, is that countrywide?

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Not great today . A mugs game .

And the bigger the mug you’re using to sup from the better.

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Used occasionally here but would be viewed as an observation associated with soft townie cunts. It’s gallons or bust here particularly on the Sabbath. The handy gallon after 11 mass sets you up for the spuds around 4 sh.

Signing in. Someone come over and rub my hair and reassure me everything will be ok please.


There’s a group of Spanish/Italian students (the type with matching yellow backpacks) who’ve decided that right outside my house is the perfect spot to have their noisy and annoying meeting.

Hopefully I can escape with shooting one of them and the rest will disperse

Half a bottle of a very good red last night and woke at 6 with the :scream:.

Guinness, white wine, gin, IPA in that order last night. Needed the fry badly this morning. Should be ready for another assault on the liver in a couple of hours.

Give up that aul drink lads.

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How do you know it was the wine and not the six cans or rhe two large malts?

I drank 8 (eight) pints last night and am now 3 hours into a 10 hour shift. You wouldn’t do it to a dog


Will you ever learn?

Man up to fuck
