I'm on top of the world thread

Aboy the kid.

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Do you get to have a beer?

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No kid. But I’ll live with it.

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“live” :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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You would have been in lockdown anyway I suppose. Small wins

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The I, the I, the Iron Mike


Fucks sake mike. You’re going to have to start donating your likes to charity at this rate

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I’m very modest me so I am


I woke up this morning in the best mood I have been in since the start of the pandemic. That booze is a serious bad job for mental health in the current situation. There’s going to be a lot of suicide and murder in Ireland if the lockdown goes on for a long time and people keep drinking


Mighty to read that Mike. Two hands

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It’ll be worse in brit land

It won’t. The virus will whack them first

Don’t let it get to you mate, it’ll only make you suicidal

Oooooft. Take that cancer

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I was out the door with the dog for half six, a lap of the farm, hopped in the jeep and sitting at the gate of ulster agricultural supplies before it opened at 8. I bought a pair of boots for me, a pair of wellies for the wee girl, a collar for the pup, a box of wild flower seeds a bag of seed potatoes and a resin hand painted model of a pig for the wee fella…who wants to keep pigs. First in and first out…there was a lovely queue of depressed tans outside the door as I was leaving (only (two in at a time etc)
Breakfast for the kids, spuds planted, two hours of sums with the reprobates, wheaten loaf in the oven, beef curry on the hob. Finished painting one beehive of two donated by an aunt, took the kids to the river for a paddle, dinner and went for a dander to plan location for beehives. When I was on the way back I realised that I was smiling away to myself for no particular reason. Checked my email and ber majesty’s government informed me that I’m getting the 10k business plague grant after all.
Kids to bed, a couple of beers and the last episode of better call saul.
I couldn’t honestly say that I’ve ever had a better day.
Up the rebels and god bless Mrs Windsor’s government, in all their foolishness.


Delighted for you, pal :clap: :clap:

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Vvv lucky man👍and good luck to you and yours

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Jesus, it’s like I was there with you.
Well done on prising the shekels from the Government, rounded out the narrative superbly. Congrats on the Good Reply

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No chemo required for @iron_mike. Got the cunt good and proper this time.