I'm on top of the world thread

What was the price of a year old weanling back then? Probably fuck all difference to now.

Yeah, and the cost of inputs has trebled or worse in some cases.

We ate the Apple.

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You’re grand where you are. I’ll invoke article 16 just to keep you a hun

I recall my old fella talking about 1500 for a good bullock back around those days. Not much of an increase to now in comparison to everything else.

I blame the political protection of Goodman.

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Fuck it lads summer time is here. Get out of the fuckin bed. Shake off the cobwebs.

It’s nearly 2pm Mike. If lads are.still in the bed at this stage, you’re wasting your enthusiasm on em

I’ve the lawn cut, the roast in the oven, the spuds peeled and ready to rock. I’m sitting down now with a glass of merlot and a few 80s tunes. Lads need to appreciate what they have.


The main ingredient for true happiness

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Sometimes I make a point of counting my blessings mike…somewhere or other I read or heard that you could raise your mood by listing 3 things you’re grateful for. Once you start it’s hard to stop at 3, especially for me!


You know the battles I’ve had kid. I’ve a lot to be grateful for


Cant even begin to imagine mike.


Non, rien de rien. Non, je ne regrette rien

Kilkenny cunt.

tenor (5)

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Were you up with the Tipp cunt?

Fucks sake @Thomas_Brady I thought you’d become a father.This is the new father’s thread.

I was.

I hope he looked after you.

He did in fairness