Indian athlete fails gender test

A top Indian woman athlete who won a silver medal at a recent regional championship has failed a gender test, officials say.
Santhi Soundararajan, who took the silver in the women’s 800m race at the Asian Games in Doha, is likely to be stripped of her award, reports say.

Soundararajan, 25, was declared the best athlete at an Indian championship in the capital, Delhi, this year.

In 1999, a woman in an Indian state football team failed a gender test.

Not mandatory

“Santhi was subjected to a gender test in Doha and we have received the report which says she failed the test,” said Manmohan Singh, chairman of the Indian Olympic Association’s Medical Commission.

Soundararajan is refusing to comment. “I was not informed about the test results and I don’t know much on that. I do not want to talk about it,” she told journalists.

The test is not mandatory, but carried out if officials want it or a rival team protests, reports say.

KP Mohan, a sports journalist, said athletes are usually examined by a team of doctors, including a gynaecologist, endocrinologist and psychologist, and put through physical and clinical examinations during a gender test.

The test was done soon after Soundararajan came second in the women’s 800m race on 9 December.

Reports say the athlete cleared the gender test at the Asian track and field championship in South Korea last year where she won the silver medal in the 800m.

It is not clear how she failed the test at the Asian Games in Doha.

This the second controversy to hit Indian athletes within a month - female shot putter Seema Antil was withdrawn from the Asian Games she failed a pre-competition dope test.

How could (s)he pass a gender test and then fail the next one? Doesn’t give you great confidence in the ability of the testers does it?

It’s funny that (s)he decided not to comment. What do you say to allegations that you’re actually a bloke? You’ll look a right fool if you deny it and it’s true.

Anybody know what a gender test comprises?

Is it just a bit of pulling and dragging?

Or do they examine your piss or something and can magically tell if you’re a bloke or not?

i wouldnt say that the punjabs have a very technologically advanced method. i would say it involves you getting naked and also a donkey and an egg timer