Interesting Things Thread

No way I’m listening unless you tell us how you came across it

On a Bryson troll quest…

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Deviant that boy

Savage disruption to traffic there.

It’s mad the amount of bridges that have to go up

The Dutch don’t do tunnels.

An interesting old map of Ireland from 1565.


I loves a good map.

The more I see these, the more I suspect Lymerek is not really Luimneach.

Whatever happened the mid Clare Mount Nero range of mountains?

Athlone and Leixlip used to be very close to each other

It must have been one of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy florentine ancestors that drew it, they north is the same size as the south.

A serious anti Wexford bias

There was a savage amount of grants for reclaiming them in the 70s. All that exists now is a few small ‘dumps’.

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I posted this guys megathreads before but can’t recall where - always worth a read


I was with him as far as this one.



1kg is the dried weight. Now 1kg = 2% of overall weight so 100% of overall weight = 50kg.

I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about…

The weight of potatoes.

Should have written solid instead of dried.

What’s that got to do with the price of spuds?

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