
Thinking about doing this chaps.

Any general advice on what I should take in?

Go to Italy mate. It’s lovely

Will probably do this around November/December time so where would be decent spots to visit during the winter period? Obviously as it’s coming up to Christmas when I’ll probably be doing this I will be keeping an eye on budgetary constraints. Would travelling at night be a decent idea on saving money on accomodation?

Go to Vienna, Budapest anyway if travelling at that time of year. Sleep overnight on long journeys between countries if keeping a tight budget.

If I was you if you had the time and want to travel at that time of year you should head to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam or else Argentina.


I’d have a heap of suggestions if you weren’t asexual.

[QUOTE=“corner back, post: 1008003, member: 1572”]Go to Vienna, Budapest anyway if travelling at that time of year. Sleep overnight on long journeys between countries if keeping a tight budget.

If I was you if you had the time and want to travel at that time of year you should head to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam or else Argentina.[/QUOTE]

I will be going to Europe as I am considering getting laser eye surgery done and have had the likes of Budapest and Poland recommended for getting this procedure. Think I might as well take in Europe while I’m at it. How much would it take me to get by for 3 weeks. Would 2 grand cover me for the cheaper countries?

I look forward to reading your opinions on Stokes after your surgery.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1007998, member: 2533”]Thinking about doing this chaps.

Any general advice on what I should take in?[/QUOTE]
Europe is overrated… Get to South America, pal.