Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Ah, so it’s “separatist groups” now :joy:

Thanks for that podcast. Just listened to the first 2 and am on the podcast about CIA vs the Taliban after the 911 attack. Calvary charges in the 2000’s, the place is really the stone age.

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This is very bad, Russian sponsored totalitarianism and torture and rape and mass murder is better.

Why has Israel invaded Syria?

They’ve destroyed the Syrian navy to try and leave the new regime toothless. They are now occupying "temporary " buffer zones.

Israel has officially annexed the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights is the sovereign territory of another country.

It is repugnant that Israel is not completely boycotted by the rest of the world. Like Russia, Israel is a vile stain on the earth, an out of control fascist cult movement which wields a bizarre influence in the rest of the world.

Anybody who supports either is a vile wankstain but 98% of available public comment comes from people who support at least one of them.

That is very frustrating.

No trouble it’s a little above me.

Only because you prefer the simplistic good guys versus bad guys version.

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I just don’t like your Russian propaganda.

Can you give me a specific example?

And so it begins. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Looks like we have an expert here

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Are the Kurds the only decent bunch over there?

What about the Christians? Or has this born again slave trader butchered them all?

If foreigners kept their noses out of Middle Eastern politics the world would be a lot safer.

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That’s hardly the point here, harry

Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan are western constructs mate. Israel too, though it has some tenuous claim to historic continuity.
The more politically stable ones (though still fucked up democratically) are the states that evolved somewhat more organically, SA and the gulf states.

Clearly, Arnaud is struggling with the ‘good vs. evil’ narrative espoused by tfks geopolitical experts.

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