Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

I generally have a sunni disposition but I couldn’t give a shiite about this rubbish.

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Good to know.

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Persian women are unreal, very light skinned some TG4 weather presenters would be darker then them.

Iran aren’t a threat to anyone but they won’t trade in the US dollar, hence they are a threat to America.

Shiites all day, the Sunni’s are a shower of Turkish and Saudi cunts.

Big boo boo from Assad and the Russians today, hitting two hospitals and at least one school.

Turkey’s sabre-rattling in term of possible direct involvement in Syria is ominous for the situation. Erdogan is a loose cannon and is showing signs of seriously losing the plot.

The Saudis will prove what utterly deluded idiots they are if they also get involved. Their army is useless.

Very little media coverage of the fact that Turkey & Saudi Arabia have both discussed invading Syria with ground forces in recent times.

Saudis have sent jets to Turkish air bases in the last few days.

The Saudis are massing their army & that of several other countries under the guise of military operations in North Saudi Arabia at the minute. .

It’s hard to see any long term resolution in the middle east that doesn’t involve the redrawing of borders. One of the key things that the West needs to recognise in this respect is that there is very little faith in the European spawned nation states of Sykes-Picot any more. Part of the popular appeal of ISIS is that they hark back to a pre-European vision of the region that is rooted in Islamic tradition. Not an alien Western tradition which is something the various populations understandably don’t believe in any more.

The Kurds will surely get their own slice, which is probably why the Turks are so agitated.

So what happens if this comes to pass?

Do the Russians confront the Turks? Does NATO back up Turkey or leave them twist in the wind? Does Iran also get involved if the Saudis get involved?

Eerily reminiscent of the system of alliances before World War I and a possible similar domino effect of war declarations if one loose cannon does the wrong thing.

Who’s the chap that seems to be effectively in charge of Saudi Arabia these days, he’s the head of their state oil company? Some prince in his early 30s I think who from everything I’ve read is an arrogant simpleton. Anybody know anything more about this chap?

This is the guy I was talking about.

It’s as clear as mud.

  1. If the Turks went in they’d have to go straight through the Kurds so that’d be two US Allies at war straight away. You’d have to imagine that’d cause a civil war in Turkey as well. Who knows what the yanks would do.
  2. NATO is a defensive pact so if Turkey went on the offensive the US etc. wouldn’t be obliged to enter but if they were vs the Russians and the Russians came at them from above, it’d be a bit more vague.
  3. If the Saudis were to go in by land they’d have to cut through Iraq, unless they airlifted over which is possible but more difficult obviously, half of Iraq would welcome them as liberators while half would go mad. It would suit the Sauds to go through Iraq and overthrow the Shias.
  4. Saudi Arabia would supposedly be joining the war to crush ISIS who of course they are funding. So go figure that one out.
  5. Saudi Arabia’s army is currently being destroyed by lads in their bare feet in the Yemen so I wouldn’t be too worried about them. The Turks are a different story altogether.
  6. If the Saudis officially joined the war, Iran would be straight in, they are already pretty much at war as it is.

While it bears a lot of similarties to WW1 I think the whole mutually assured destruction should keep the major players out of it.

There is also a lot of similarities between this and Yugoslavia. This is the ongoing fallout from the collapse of the Ottoman Empire where you have all these people of different faiths and nationalities who were previously (somewhat harmoniously) under one roof. They split and you have large ethnic minorities on the wrong sides of borders being governed by people of other races & religions. A few fanatics whip them up into a frenzy and they are at each others throats.

On the outskirts you have the US and Russia looking on as neither wants to spark something bigger, but neither happy to cede control. So ultimately the minor players are left to fight it out amongst themselves while the rest of world does nothing.


[quote=“Julio_Geordio, post:1734, topic:17410, full:true”]

A few lines on a map wont resolve this one. Either one all-powerful hand on top such as the Ottomans maintained for some 600 years or a resettlement such as Europe 1945 / Turkey & Greece 1923. And Israel is still on the pitch.

What are the chances of an ISIS spectacular in Dubai/Abu Dhabi etc?

The Gulf States occupy a strange niche in that they are at least giving tacit support to ISIS but they also provide ready access to huge amounts of Westerners.

While on a macro level it might appear to be bad policy for ISIS to attack a Gulf State, given the highly decentralised nature of such attacks, one would think something will happen sooner or later?

Just nuke the place.

Yep i’ve been thinking that too. Dubai in particular is full of westerners and would create a fair bit of publicity and uproar for them were they to fly a plane into a skyscraper or something. I imagine Dubai would be a very easy target for these guys too when you compare what they accomplished in New York. 1. It is nearby. 2. It’s the busiest place in the world for planes flying in and out of and 3. I guess they would be caught off guard. I assume Abu Dhabi wouldn’t have the same number of westerners as Dubai but still a credible target.

So what’s stopping them and is there much chance something could happen? The problem is the gulf states are funding ISIS so i suppose they’d be biting the hand that feeds them.

Comprehensive account on the causes and current state of ISIS

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Fuckin comedy gold here. A few daft isis fuckers going up against the Peshmerga.

Abu Hajaar is a complete liability.

“Be careful Abu Abdullah, Hold it up” says he to the man with the rocket
