Ireland in the EU

Difficult to see how any Hungarian leader could support the regime in kiev

Unless I’ve missed something, Orban has just been advocating for peace in Ukraine.

What is the problem with that?


Done more than the democratic party has re Gaza, mate.

Orban is an anti-Semite who supports Israel, mate.

There is a lot of them around mate. I’m just acknowledging it has been widely reported that he has called for peace in Ukraine.

Worth reading.

Orban has made some fuck of Hungary, as you’d expect from an anti-democratic, corrupt, Putin-loving kleptocrat.

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Flesh that out for me if you don’t mind. Interesting observation.

What do you mean by that specifically, mate?

Ukraine has a large Hungarian identifying population in the west of the country. They’re discriminated against in much the same esy as ethnic russians are…language banned, access to higher education drnied etc. In the early days of the war nazi press gangs were sent to ‘recruit’ magyars…who were basically used as cannon fodder


It means he targets Jews for hate at home but simultaneously supports Israel abroad m8, it’s quite common and also quite easy to understand

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Fair enough, he’s still calling for peace though in two wars that Biden is fully backing?

Take away Orban and Bidens politics for a second and you’d wonder who really is for the people mate?

As far as I’m concerned, none of them are.

Lolz, pantomimes aren’t real m8

Orban “for the people”, lolz

Do you not condemn Bidens UN veto against a ceasefire in Gaza?

Trying to debate as fairly as I can mate, but their stance is disgraceful and you’re very quiet about it.

It’s not my problem if you haven’t read my posts m8

It’s time to go back to our own currency. The euro is a complete failure for us economically…

We can peg the new punt to various currencies if we want… But the ECB needs to fuck the fuck off. These euro zone interest rates are killing us.

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We’d be pegged alright.

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And not the pegging he expects but perhaps one he’d enjoy

The euro is a complete failure. Its worth nothing

There’s lads on here who’d go back to the shilling