Ireland politics (Part 1)

How did kick ass Harris get on in his meeting with the HSE yesterday?

Listening to liam Doran on newstalk slating the measures taken. He said yep it’s great that they are opening 63 beds but will they have the staff to look after the people in those beds.

I have to say that I am sick to my hole of the annual health service overcrowding discussion. All of the vested interests wheeled out Year in year out, the consultants the nurses, the ambulance drivers, the HSE, and the Minister and none of them will do a fucking thing about it.


I suspect that many of the best don’t have ambition in any particular direction. They work because it’s what they do. They are tired at the end of the days and weeks and months and years. They would probably happily give their best to administrating or sorting out the mess if asked, but wouldn’t thrust themselves forward, as it’s not their way.
I find that bar the odd exception, the very best people you work with tend to tread softly.

There was a fella on newstalk just there. CEO of national nursing home organisation or the likes. He said there are 750 odd free beds around the country in their members facilities as at last night. And 436 patients classed as delayed discharge in the hospitals (per the HSE) that could move into a private facility immediately as no longer need acute care. He said it costs 53% less per week for HSE to pay keep a patient in a private NH bed than it does to keep them in the hospital. Apparently they worked closely with HSE in November and moved tranche of patients already

I’d say the front line staff so busy they can’t see the wood from the trees. Probably lot of quick wins like that available if you had proper joined up thinking across the HSE management

They dont want the hassle of having to deal with backward thinking dinosaurs in the management structure who are more about protecting their own little fiefdom than improving the service.

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There is your problem right there, joined up thinking hasn’t even entered the vocabulary of the HSE. Actually probably hasn’t even entered the vocabulary of the Public sector as a whole.

Agree with most of that. But these people are clinicians as well Who have invested 10 or 15 years in gaining their expertise and want to practise what they have trained. Not get stuck in the politics of managing the hospital.

Yeah that’s why I think a complete outsider is needed. Come in and first thing you do is take your quick wins. Improves morale and day to day experience immediately. How many public patients are on a waiting list for a simple procedure that if outsourced to private operator could clear the lists far more quickly. Delay in diagnosis has a huge long term cost to the health system where easily treatable issues become far bigger problems.

Whole thing is a fucking joke.

@gilgamboa & @tazdedub rolling out the clichĂŠs and buzzwords here

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Hidden in the below article is this little nugget

" an unnamed company receiving a €150 million tax refund."

Yes but they won’t send some auld lad in Dublin down to Wicklow or laois just cause there’s a free bed there.

Course they won’t. Nor should they. But I’d guess vast majority of them could get something reasonably local.

You missed “task force”.

Minister Harris met the task force today.

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If we give more money to the health service do we get more healthcare?

So every increase of say 10 per cent to health service what percentage increase in health care do we get. It certainly is not a straight line.

Really hard to see how this gets solved as local politics and vested interests make any joined up plan impossible to implement

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Good! It’s a buzzword for people who have no idea what they’re talking about.


This is the bottom line really. I’m pretty sure the public would be happy to pay more taxes if they felt it would impact the situation but it never seems to do so.

That’s one for Kev to bandy about down the pub.

Red Cross have stepped in to assist NHS in U.K.

@gilgamboa worked in the bank when they were in the process of becoming insolvent and ruining the Irish economy and not a peep out of him. Yet he can fix the health service here without any knowledge


Who has tagged me here again?